Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Wilfred.

The term racism was coined the in 1930’s. People will always discriminate, whether you are disabled, fat, odd, smelly, deaf.

Of course there are racist people that vote BNP, and of course there are racist people that vote Labour, and Tory. Racism is everywhere.

It is human nature to discriminate. How can it be eliminated when the media portray how people ‘should look and act’?

I find people who insult scousers offensive, as I do people that shout ‘Jesus Christ’ when something goes wrong.

We must remeber all people are different. There are tolerant people and intolerant people. Take muslim extremists, giving normal muslims a bad name.

If I said to my white friend he stunk of curry, it would be percieved by many differently than if he had been Indian. Silly really, as race has nothing to do with smelling, but a sorry state of affairs this govt has allowed it to reach.

Stop worrying about upsetting people and live your lives, we are all human. Its immpossible for everybody to agree on anything.

The BNP has policies which would sort out issues which this govt are arguably not tackling, ie crime and punishment. Would you rather be happy lots of forigners are well looked after here, or that dangerous criminals are delt with?

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