Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by CH.


Yours is one of the constructive comments I have read, obviously an indication of your level of education. However, I want to take you back to this comment. You write, and I quote that “I do believe that certain cultures are less aspirational and productive than others”… what would you call this stament if not racist??? To judge a particular culture from this perspective is to make a moral judgement about them based on their race. You forget that almost all major races have produced Nobel laureates, an indication that people from all races can compete in terms of aspiration and productive. Sadly, you are one academic who makes judgements about what races are better or more receptively british based on “cultural sterotypes”

I agree that there have been negatives from migration. But there have been positives as well. My impressions were similar to yours prior to my trip to Africa where I saw firsthand, a very good number of our own people settled (and doing the worse things you could think, working for and controlling opressive and exploitative oil company activities). Some of our own people there condemn what some of ours are doing as well. The issue here is not weather people from outside are a problem, it is how to check problems that people cause. We are quick to blame the other for our own failings. Take a trip, travel out and see how globalized the world is now, then you will understnd, like I have done, that immigration is the problem is people are willing to tolerate and work together. Sad to say, but this why America has continued to be a world leader, and China has learnt a truth we had the opportunity of using to our advantge but never did. While we went to exploit and use Africa, China is offering them their hand of partnership…we could have done this but we never did! I am not talking about offering aid before you take on this line of arguement, I am talking of investment and related partneship. Travel out Rawr Rawr, the world is no longer about Great Britain, the world is about everyone nowadays, it is called GLOBALISATION! People live and reside everywhere in the world and our people are everywhere as well, lets accept this but I agree with you, lets find ways to curb excesses so we maximize the gains of globalisation and avoid any negatives

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