Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by RawrRawr.

Just to undermine some spurious opinions held by some anti-BNP commenter’s on this website, not all BNP supporters are “knuckle dragging idiot[s].” I have obtained a Masters and a honours degree in English from a prestigious university and am currently working towards my PHD (and before the class rant begins I was raised in a working class home in Cornwall and have achieved all my qualifications through hard work) and I thoroughly intend to vote BNP…as do many of my highly educated friends. We are merely frightened to ‘admit’ this in polls etc. as we fear being branded racists for holding views that oppose what is currently considered acceptable (and let us not forget that these communally held values are vulnerable to being upturned.) Unfortunately we now exist in a society which is permeated with political propaganda and whilst I acknowledge BNP have had scurrilous characters in their ranks I do not believe that any of the major parties are without their own embarrassing members who have committed racist/sexist or generally ignorant acts.
I intend to vote BNP as I feel it is important for Britain to remember why we decided to add the prefix ‘Great’ to our name and that we should remember both our past achievements and mistakes. I am not racist, but I do believe that certain cultures are less aspirational and productive than others, I also agree with David that there are many white members of our society who are merely milking out generous socialist system, (Also a society which panders to the minority at the penalty of the majority is, in my opinion, not a democracy but that is another story…) However their forefathers fought for this country and as such they should be given help to improve their situation in life, not through benefits but through genuine inspirational teaching when young. The influx of immigrants to Britain who cannot speak English, obey a religion which holds extraordinarily intolerant views of women and animals and who partake in cultures which idolise idleness are not only abusing our NHS, benefit and housing systems but are also spreading their culture of disillusion to the aforementioned white ‘sub-culture.’ I feel my opinion is evidenced by the lack of racism directed towards cultures/races such as the Chinese who are stereotyped as hard-working and open and receptive to British society and culture.

I anticipate a barrage of insults…Begin!

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