Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Carl.

Even IF they are “lying criminals” (which the majority of government partys are anyway) atleast they are not robbing us blind JUST like the labour party are and have been. No i am not looking at the BNP through rose coloured glasses im looking at the bigger picture, ever since Enoch Powell took the first stand AGAINST the Conservative party HE and anoyone that followed him was classed as a racist such as people do with the BNP today. How ever i DO admit SOME of the BNP members (not of the political party itself) are racists however some arenot some (like me) just want to give a different party a fighting chance against the oppressors.

“you can even find pictures of him online wearing Nazi uniforms in front of a Nazi Swastika!”
By all means link us all to this picture concidering its amazing what you can do with Photoshop nowdays.

“No longer racist.
No longer white supremacists.”

As said before SOME of the members that SUPPORT the political party are racist some ARE NOT however i can not say for the political party its self as unfortunatly i have not met them yet.

“No longer supporting Nazi ideologies.”

This has to be the most utter rubbish i have heard about the BNP. So in your opinion the BNP does the goosestep while saluting at a 45 degree angle shouting “sieg heil” also the BNP and party follwers kill jews, blacks, asains and any other race, creed or religion that isnot to their standards? This must be a dark dark world we live in concidering i have never seen any behaviour of this sort apart from a few documentaries (minus the killing for tv) on telly and WW2 movies

“No longer anti-semitic or holocaust denying.”

Yet again related to the one previous and i have never heard ONE person the the whole of my life (including some of my fellow bnp supporters)DENY that the holocaust happend.

“People like Nick Griffin are reformed characters just looking to make Britain a better place to live for anyone that’s not Muslim or an immigrant and that’s preferably white or agrees whites and non whites really shouldn’t have children together as it messes up the white race genetic purity.”

Just like the some other countries around the world south africa for one Robert Mugabe wants africa for the africans hardly anyone is botherd in the slightest about this however when it comes to Nick Griffin wanting Britain for the British everyone badgers Nick and any BNP member or supporter as a racist isnt Robert a racist too? Is HE also racist/BLACK supremacists/Nazi/fascist/anti-semitic?

More Comments on Are the BNP Racists? by Carl

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

The holocaust did happen but it wasnot 6 million jews do the math
at the begining of ww2(1939) there was 7 million jews
then allegedly there was 6 million jews …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

To say this is an open discussion and i empisize the word discussion it seems some people on here are very one track minded towards the BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Personally i don’t think the BNP are racist in anyway, hence why i am voting for them this year. I do urge everyone to vote even if it is not …

More Comments by Carl

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

The holocaust did happen but it wasnot 6 million jews do the math
at the begining of ww2(1939) there was 7 million jews
then allegedly there was 6 million jews …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

To say this is an open discussion and i empisize the word discussion it seems some people on here are very one track minded towards the BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Personally i don’t think the BNP are racist in anyway, hence why i am voting for them this year. I do urge everyone to vote even if it is not …