Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo.

there was actually a vote in news papers and it said that over 60% of Brits did support it but wouldn’t vote, it wont be before long when people actually realize that the BNP is the ONLY way forward for a better Britain. you get people coming over here when they are running from their own countrys law and they end up being put in jail over here for their ‘own safety’ what they get is an easy ride because our jails are probably a better place to live then the streets of their own country. why on earth would people not want to live in their own country, i will tell you why because their own government see them as the dregs of society but as soon as they come over here they are showered with benefits and giros for clothes cars houses and even child benefit for children that aren’t even in this country, no foreigner should be allowed in unless they are willing to drop their Muslim laws and beliefs and become British for one and for two they have recognized qualifications that will help our culture and our country, if they are not working in a job that uses those qualifactions they should be sent straight home and they certainly should never be allowed any sort of benefit unless they have worked for at least 15 years in their qualified trade

More Comments on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Thank you george2, i hate people putting the BNP in same category of Hitler and the Nazis, i really don’t understand why British people don’t want a better Britain. i …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Hi i am new on here, but yes i am backing the BNP and NO i am not racist, i cant say the same about all members but what i …

More Comments by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Thank you george2, i hate people putting the BNP in same category of Hitler and the Nazis, i really don’t understand why British people don’t want a better Britain. i …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Hi i am new on here, but yes i am backing the BNP and NO i am not racist, i cant say the same about all members but what i …