Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo.

thank you george2, i hate people putting the BNP in same category of Hitler and the Nazis, i really don’t understand why British people don’t want a better Britain. i was told off the police to take my st George flag down on st Georges day because some people will see it as being racist. they changed baa baa black sheep, a nursery rhyme that has been going years which is about a black sheep(you do get black sheep) because it is racist. October is black history month where black people, celebrities have party’s and concerts to celebrate their black past. nick griffin did a peace about this and he said he wanted November to be white history month but people said that it would be a gathering of racists because blacks weren’t allowed why is it one rule for the blacks and another for the whites. we have got to walk on egg shells because of their colour, they get away with things in court because the judges are scared if they send them to prison they would open a case against them for being racist, blacks get jobs because employers are worried that if they refuse they would be called racist, Britain is a white country and if we preferred a white British person to have a job over an Italian polish African or anyone else for that matter we should be able to without it being discrimination.

More Comments on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

There was actually a vote in news papers and it said that over 60% of Brits did support it but wouldn’t vote, it wont be before long when people actually …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Hi i am new on here, but yes i am backing the BNP and NO i am not racist, i cant say the same about all members but what i …

More Comments by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

There was actually a vote in news papers and it said that over 60% of Brits did support it but wouldn’t vote, it wont be before long when people actually …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Hi i am new on here, but yes i am backing the BNP and NO i am not racist, i cant say the same about all members but what i …