Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo.

hi i am new on here, but yes i am backing the BNP and NO i am not racist, i cant say the same about all members but what i am sure about is that every party will have racist people in, sexist people in homophobic people, you cant judge a political party on a minority of the members. i want what nick griffin wants a home to call home when people ask where i am from a would like to say Britain and say it with pride but soon what will Britain mean, surely it should mean somewhere where the British reside not every other race on the globe. as soon as the BNP said that they wanted other races to go from Britain they was called racist, why? if the BNP was in charge we wouldn’t be at war now and 100’s of soldiers would still be alive and fighting for their country, not butting in on other countries wars. and the rapes in the country would drastically fall as nearly 90% of rapes are from foreign people, gun crime is also a foreign run organization, i am not saying that all foreign people are the same but the statistics speak for themselves, our country would be much more better off to have the same values as Australia for example, where you need qualifications in something to get in there, so that the foreigners that want to come here and be British and help the British culture and community can do so, but for the people that want to come here for a free ride they are the ones that should never be allowed near our home

More Comments on Are the BNP Racists? by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

There was actually a vote in news papers and it said that over 60% of Brits did support it but wouldn’t vote, it wont be before long when people actually …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Thank you george2, i hate people putting the BNP in same category of Hitler and the Nazis, i really don’t understand why British people don’t want a better Britain. i …

More Comments by darbo

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

There was actually a vote in news papers and it said that over 60% of Brits did support it but wouldn’t vote, it wont be before long when people actually …

Are the BNP Racists Poll?

Thank you george2, i hate people putting the BNP in same category of Hitler and the Nazis, i really don’t understand why British people don’t want a better Britain. i …