Comment on Are the BNP Racists? by Ed.

[[ thoughtly
Comment on Are the BNP Racists Poll? (November 29th, 2009 at 20:40)
It did not take legal action to get the BNP to change their constitution, they were planning to do so anyway but the members decided to challenge the ruling against the advice of Nick Griffin. ]]

But Griffin is the party leader and according to the BNP’s constitution has the final say in everything. If he was so desperate to go multi-racial, something he has very vocally opposed, why spend 100’s of 1,000’s from the party’s coffers to fight the legal action? Why waste all that money when the party was going to change anyway.

[[The problem the BNP had was they were the only white organisation in Britain who as with black or asian organisations, wished to campaign for rights for their ethnic group.]]

Rubbish. They are not a rights-for-whites organisation. They are a political party and if elected will rule anything from a council ward to the UK. If they are whites-only, where does that leave the millions of other people who won’t be represented? Ethnic minority groups, who for one thing don’t actually have race-bars, are not political parties and do not seek to rule white people or control their lives.

[[This problem will be solved by the formation of Britains first ever white association outside the party leaving the party to work for people of all races legally in the country.]]

OK I agree with that on the principle that no political party should only seek to represent one section of society in Parliament. What actual need there is for such a thing I don’t know, seeing as such organisations are mostly set up by disadvantaged minorities.

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Are the BNP Racists Poll?

[[ Comment on Are the BNP Racists Poll? (November 29th, 2009 at 20:43)
As far as I know the BNP is the only political party where the members elect the leader.]]

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