According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:
CY580 We would open the whole countryside (including common land) to access on foot provided that no damage is done, care is taken not to injure of kill farm stock and other wildlife are not disturbed, and the privacy of those who live in the countryside is respected. Access would be curtailed at times (such as lambing, nesting and breeding seasons, and sensitive wildlife sites), and where there is a definite reason for it to be refused.
CY590 We see local authorities, as custodians of local democracy, being the primary agency for conserving the countryside.
Rural Life
CY600 We recognise that any policy for conserving the countryside hinges around provisions made for people to live and work in rural areas. In particular we will encourage the availability of an adequate stock of reasonable priced, decent housing and work space for those who live and work in the countryside, including low-cost housing to rent and buy in existing small villages and towns.
Tourism in the Country
CY610 We accept that recreation and tourism can benefit a local economy, but would ensure that such activities are ecologically, economically and socially appropriate to local requirements.
I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on UK Green Party’s Access to the Countryside policies in the comments below?
All political parties, face one monumental problem in Britain.
1, Britain is controlled = Ruled by a foreign, ” Pagen power,” I.E. from Brussels.
2, Successive govrnments have ignored the fact that Britain, ” is now grossly over populated.”
3, Britain at this time, is producing, ” something like / over fifteen times the amount of polution that has been deemed safe.
4, It blatetly obvious that Britain is no longer a nation any more.
5, Britans financial dept, ” is insumontable.”
6, To conclude, now the bell has tolled for Europe, I.E. financial collapse, ” which will lead on to the collapse of the European Union.” For Britain, joining the European Union, ” will spell its dome.” The only way that Britain can become a country again, ” ruled by itself.” Is to leave this fatal polical curse.
I quote, For many, the truth is very painful.
Yours thankfully,
Britains Furture