2001 Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto

2001 Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto

UK Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto for the 2001 General Election PDF download.

UK General Election Date: Thursday, 7 June 2001
UK Liberal Democrats Party Leader: Charles Kennedy

Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto 2001 PDF (PDF file opens in new tab)

Manifesto tagline: For a Fair Deal

Manifesto Message From Charles Kennedy MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Three simple words. Freedom, Justice, Honesty. These sum up what the Liberal Democrats stand for. Freedom – because everybody should have the opportunity to make the most of their life. Justice – because freedom depends on fairness. Honesty – because where fairness has a cost, like investing in schools, hospitals and pensions, we explain how it will be paid for.

This manifesto sets out our priorities: investing in schools and hospitals to cut class sizes and waiting times; extra police to prevent crime and catch criminals; increasing the basic state pension; and providing free personal care.

In Scotland, where Liberal Democrats are part of the government, we have already guaranteed free personal care. We have also abolished tuition fees, and we want to do this for the rest of the United Kingdom.

We will also recognise the professionalism of teachers, doctors, nurses and the police, valuing their contribution to the community. We believe that they must be given the freedom to exercise their professional judgement.

All our policies have a green dimension. So there is an environmental section in every chapter, a green thread binding together all our thinking. Without steps to preserve our planet for future generations, none of our other policies would have much purpose.

A Real Chance for Real Change
The United Kingdom has huge potential. Unlock the energies, skills and talents of its people, and its rich ethnic and cultural diversity, and there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

But we do not want government always telling people how to develop those assets. So in this manifesto every section explains how we want government to stop interfering.

Government works best as an enabler. Its task is not to curb but to stimulate. To enjoy true freedom, people must have good education, decent healthcare, reliable public transport, safety on the streets and a secure income in old age. The state must provide these basic public services to allow all its citizens to achieve their full potential.

Under eighteen years of Conservative government, these freedoms steadily diminished. The sick waited longer for operations. Children were taught in larger and larger classes. Rail passengers suffered the consequences of a disastrous privatisation. Crime rose. Pensioners’ incomes fell behind.

But Labour has been disappointing, sticking quite unnecessarily for two years to Tory spending limits. Our programme for government will deliver more. For schools, hospitals, pensioners, the police and the environment, we offer Britain a real chance for real change.

Charles Kennedy
Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party

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