If you were born in the 60’s or 70’s then this article will probably bring you back with just two words: Maggie Thatcher, I wasn’t around when the Iron Lady was in power but we can still see the scars, people when referring to a dark decade they talk about Margaret Thatcher.

A famous saying by Thatcher was “There is no such thing as society.” and it still resinates today, we have posh-boy David Cameron rambling about Broken Britain but that was caused by the past conservatives themselves, in the 80’s nursery rhymes were sung about how she ended free school milk for children over the age of seven “Thatcher, Thatcher Milk Snatcher” it was a dark period and do we really want the conservatives back?

Tories they crippled Britain, the conservatives make us weak, they do not deserve another shot at wrecking Britain the Tories are Thatchers ‘children’ they look up to her, they aspire to her, who elects a party into government that hunts foxes and despite owning several multi-million pound houses claims expenses and ‘robs’ the poor to give to the rich.

David Cameron claims £21,000 a year on his mortgage when he himself is a multi-millionaire it is ludicrous he should not be aloud to be an MP/PM candidate.

Margaret thatcher wrecked the mining industry and closed the pits, in Britain today we don’t have a solid industry based on mining because of her ‘poor people don’t matter’ attitude she let people die in hospital halls, she introduced the Poll Tax, I’m just glad that was the final straw to break the camels back. It was better with Thatcher out of government and not left to cause more damage.

The Tories say they will have progressive modern conservatism but they will have instant Thatcherism, do we want the ‘children’ of a Prime Minister who was kicked out of government, do we want the ‘children’ of a Prime Minister that took milk from children and broke our hard working labourers, do we really want the ‘children’ of a Prime Minister that ruled by an iron fist it’s time to say no to David Cameron it’s time to say no to conservatism, it’s time to say NO TO THE TORIES