The Conservative Manifesto 2010 was released today.

You can view the PDF version in full at Conservative Manifesto 2010.

2010 Conservative Party Manifesto

2010 Conservative Party Manifesto

Conservative Manifesto 2010

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Foreword

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Introduction

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Benchmarks for Britain

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Ensure Macroeconomic Stability

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Create A More Balanced Economy

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Get Britain Working Again

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Encourage Enterprise

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Ensure The Whole Country Shares in Rising Prosperity

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Reform Public Services to Deliver Better Value For Money

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Create a Safer Banking System That Serves The Needs of The Economy

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change the Economy Build a Greener Economy

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Introduction

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Build The Big Society

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Make Britain The Most Family Friendly Country in Europe

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Back the NHS

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Raise Standards in Schools

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Society Fight Back Against Crime

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Introduction

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Accountable

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Transparent

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Make Politics More Local

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Restore Our Civil Liberties

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Change Politics Strengthen The Union

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Introduction

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Combat Climate Change

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Protect the Environment Conserve And Enhance The Natural Environment

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest Introduction

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest Defend Our Security

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest A Liberal Conservative Foreign Policy

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest An Open And Democratic Europe

Conservative Manifesto 2010 : Promote Our National Interest One World Conservatism

Conservative Party Manifesto 2010

A country is at its best when the bonds between people are strong and when the sense of national purpose is clear. Today the challenges facing Britain are immense. Our economy is overwhelmed by debt, our social fabric is frayed and our political system has betrayed the people.
But these problems can be overcome if we pull together and work together. If we remember that we are all in this together.

Some politicians say: ‘give us your vote and we will sort out all your problems’. We say: real change comes not from government alone. Real change comes when the people are inspired and mobilised, when millions of us are fired up to play a part in the nation’s future.

Yes this is ambitious. Yes it is optimistic. But in the end all the Acts of Parliament, all the new measures, all the new policy initiatives, are just politicians’ words without you and your involvement. How will we deal with the debt crisis unless we understand that we are all in this together?

How will we raise responsible children unless every adult plays their part? How will we revitalise communities unless people stop asking ‘who will fix this?’ and start asking ‘what can I do?’ Britain will change for the better when we all elect to take part, to take responsibility – if we all come together. Collective strength will overpower our problems.

Only together can we can get rid of this government and, eventually, its debt. Only together can we get the economy moving. Only together can we protect the NH S. Improve our schools. Mend our broken society. Together we can even make politics and politicians work better. And if we can do that, we can do anything. Yes, together we can do anything.

So my invitation today is this: join us, to form a new kind of government for Britain.

David Cameron

Copyright ©, The Conservative Party, 30 Millbank, London, SW1P 4DP. All rights reserved. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.