The British National Party Manifesto 2010 was released today (April 23rd).
You can view the PDF version in full at BNP Manifesto 2010.
BNP Manifesto 2010
BNP Manifesto 2010 : British National Party Key Pledges
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the BNP Can Solve
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Environmental Protection and the “Climate Change” Theory
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Leaving the European Union
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Counter Jihad: Confronting the Islamic Colonisation of Britain
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Renationalising the Welfare State
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Freedom for All: The Restoration of Our Civil Liberties
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Constitutional Change: Protecting and Enhancing Our Heritage
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Democracy and the Media
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Culture, Traditions and Civil Society
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Time to Get Tough on Crime and Criminals
BNP Manifesto 2010 : A Healthy Nation: Public Health and the NHS
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Education for a British Future
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Transport: Getting Britain Moving Again
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Agriculture: Food and Fisheries
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Energy: Fuelling the Nation’s Growth
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Foreign Policy: Putting British Interests First
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Housing: Sheltering the Nation
BNP Manifesto 2010 : The Economy: Putting Britain Back on the Road to Recovery
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Creating Local Economies
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Pensions: Looking After Our Old People
BNP Manifesto 2010 : IT and the Digital Revolution: The BNP’s Vision
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Conclusion
BNP Manifesto 2010
The British National Party enters the 2010 general election with one of the most comprehensive and detailed manifestos in its history.
The BNP is proud to campaign on a number of issues which set it apart from all other political parties, namely the conflict in Afghanistan, the immigration invasion of our country, the threat to our security posed by Islamism and the danger of the European Union to our sovereignty.
The BNP is also the only party to map out realistic and sensible budget cuts which will bring the deficit under control — without cutting front line public services to the British people.
In addition, the reader will find unique and innovative policies within this document which range from a solution for the housing crisis to restoring British industry, and from building our nation’s IT infrastructure to constitutional reform to guarantee our people’s liberties and freedom.
The word “democracy” appears in the title of our manifesto for good reason. It represents our desire to preserve this great institution. It is also a warning that democracy is under threat from the European Union and mass immigration, both of which threaten to extinguish all of our traditions and culture.
The word “freedom” appears in the title to alert readers to the fact that civil liberties and personal freedoms in modern Britain are under attack.
In the name of “fighting terrorism,” the old-gang parties have introduced draconian laws which have usurped many of our traditional freedoms — while the old-gang parties themselves are to blame for the threat of terrorism hanging over our country.
The word “security” appears in the title because the BNP believes in the sanctity of life, limb and property. This means safe neighbourhoods with vibrant, cohesive communities; it means security of long-term employment, devoid of the fear that industry, commerce and employment will be transferred to the Third World.
The word “identity” appears in the title because the BNP believes in genuine ethnic and cultural diversity and the right of all peoples to be free of colonisation and rule by others — including the indigenous people of these islands.
The BNP is committed to putting the interests of the British people first.
I invite you to review our policies and make your choice.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Griffin, MEP
Chairman, British National Party
Copyright ©, The British National Party, PO Box 1223, Belfast, BT4 9DD. All rights reserved. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
you want to look back historically, to what your political philosophy stands for “Belsen, Dachau,auchuitz,sorbivor ,the list goes on,you people to coin a freudian phrase are deep in the concrete,all i can say is transcend your parochial mind-set,and become human ,cast off your insecurities when you have a dump next time mr griffin check it out , i assure you it aint white , we all bleed red mate wether your asian african,or white,
Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah. sickle cell. Yeah. We We all bleed.
Dear Mr Griffin
you are a complete bigot, i think gordon brown made a mistake for saying it to a supporter of labour, He meant YOU!!! we are a country of mixed races and culture i think your trying to make a master race like hitler, and i think its wrong to set a stupid propaganda that makes people believe that britain is all white. i beleive that muslims will not take over the world and spread terrorism, they will spread peace¬! and other races will do same, spread peace
Never heard of a suicide peace maker. Muslim or other wise. The only thing you understand is a kick up the arse. By the way, I am a complete and total bigot and I am proud of it. Bring back Hanging, national service, the S.P.G, tear up the H.R act.
I agree with the BNP all the imports have brought over is crime and children
You people are completely and utterly sick. David, you are a ###### wanker. You are a closed minded ###### who can’t accept change. Foreigners didn’t bring crime. There was already crime here. You guys just use people that aren’t British as scapegoats. You are ###### bigots that don’t consider the lives of others. Pat yourself on the back David Clark, David Cook, Liam Atheron-Julian, and all other closed minded BNP supporters. Go #### yourself Nick Griffin. May God punish you all.
Moderator: can we not have so much swearing, it’s not necessary and remember kids might be reading this.
Lol i’m a kid (13 yers old) and i’m reading this but i happen to agree so swear all you like :) x
I seriously don’t comprehend what you think Asians have done you say Asaians are terrorists actually NO they’re not Youd be callling the Chinese the Inidans the Japanese and soo on all terrorist and Im sorry but have you heard of Hitler he did the same thing he told everyone that The Jews were causng havoc and that they needed to be killed for what they had done to their country look what happenened it started a war and the same is going on here and NOW, putting a racist party and YES it is racist, into ower will make things better so basically they’re going to stop Carribbean comin in the country because they think they’ll bring in drugs theyll stop Africans cos of teh same and they think theyl start Brothels and Gangs, theyll stop the Polish cos they’re stealing our Jobs theyll stop the asians cps they think they’ll bomb us we ARE BEING BRAINWASHED. Sorry but does this remind you of North Korea or is it just me.
My thoughts toward Nicholas Griffin are that he is a loser.
Anyone seen a picture of David Clarke, BNP candidate in Croydon?
LOL, he looks like Mr Potato Head. And he’s supposedly the superior white man gene.
The sooner foreigners eradicate his ugly DNA from the UK gene pool the better. Why are BNP people such ugly munters? Hardly an advert for white supremacy.
Let’s hope he never breeds.
Google “david clarke bnp” and select “image search” for a good laugh.
If you had done any research before writing your xenophobic and hateful manifesto you would know that if a refugee is granted asylum seeker status they CANNOT be illegal. Thus the concept of the ‘illegal’ asylum seeker makes no sense at all. It is icredibly difficult to be granted asylum in this country – 75% of all applications are rejected straight away – therefore the idea that those who ARE granted asylum status could possibly be ‘bogus’ is utterly ridiculous.
Furthermore, the manifesto suggests that Britain acts as a refuge for more than our fair share of asylum seekers. This is complete fallacy. The reality is that countries neighbouring those being fled hold the majority of the world’s asylum seekers. Moreover, asylum claims in the UK per capita are below the European average: for 2010, the UK received 0.37 asylum applications per 1000 inhabitants, compared to 0.55 across Europe.
I would also like to pick up on the stupid assumption that what happens in other countries has nothing to do with the UK. Countries are not isolated entities and Britain is most certainly not innocent in its involvement with countries which now find themselves in conflict (e.g. Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, former African colonies, the list goes on). Do you honestly believe that you in some way ‘earnt’ your right to be British, that the children, mothers and fathers born into war torn countries in some deserved that fate? If not then we should treat them as we would like to be treated should that be us. If so then you are as vile and racist as everybody thinks you are.